Eye Care Middle Man

Eye Care Middle Man

In our fast track society today, there is a BIG push to cut out “the middle man.”  Who is this person in the middle?  Why does our society think the worker in “the middle” has no value?  As a middle child growing up, I know first hand the challenges of proving your...

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How We All Age

How We All Age

I know I am not getting any younger, and some days I just need to hit the brakes and look at the view.  When I need to re-center and ground myself in my values of life, I LOVE to visit my grandparents who are 100 and 96 years young.  They are the roots of...

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Introducing Beyond Vision LNK

Introducing Beyond Vision LNK

“I AFFIRM that the health of my patient will be my first consideration. I WILL practice the art and science of optometry faithfully and conscientiously, and to the fullest scope of my competence.” Dr. Carla Ericksen I was raised in western Nebraska where hard work and...

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