As a parent, you want to ensure that your child’s vision is well taken care of. Common ways to do this is through regular vision screenings at school or comprehensive eye exams by an optometrist.
School vision screenings are a convenient way to check for potential vision problems in children. They are often conducted by school nurses or volunteers and are designed to identify students who may need further evaluation by an eye care professional. While these screenings can be helpful in detecting some major distance vision issues, they miss 3 out of 4 near visual problems or refractive errors that can impact a child’s learning and overall well-being.
On the other hand, scheduling a children’s eye exam with an optometrist provides a more thorough and accurate assessment of your child’s vision and eye health. Optometrists have the expertise and tools to detect a wide range of visual issues, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and even more serious conditions like amblyopia and strabismus. Additionally, optometrists can detect allergies or dry eye that may disrupt tear film causing daily intermittent blur. Doctors of Optometry provide treatment options and guidance on proper eye care habits to support your child’s visual development and prevent dependence on life long eyewear.
While school vision screenings offer on site accessibility, they cannot prevent chronic issues. An optometrist eye exam includes evaluating binocular vision or eye teaming problems, depth perception, focusing problems, and ocular health. Colliding with other kids on the playground, in soccer, or even falls from a bike can sometimes cause mild visual disturbances that can affect reading and sustained learning. These visual problems can go undetected and 80% are missed by a school and even pediatrician screening. Even new medications your child has started can cause undetected near blur. A child’s visual health is crucial for their overall growth and success in school, so choosing the most effective option is essential.
The good news is that both school vision screenings and children’s eye exams by optometrists serve a purpose in monitoring and maintaining your child’s vision. However, when it comes to ensuring the best possible care for your child’s eyes, a comprehensive eye exam by a qualified optometrist provides a more in-depth assessment and a higher level of personalized care that can make a significant difference in your child’s life.