“I AFFIRM that the health of my patient will be my first consideration. I WILL practice the art
and science of optometry faithfully and conscientiously, and to the fullest scope of my competence.”

I was raised in western Nebraska where hard work and relationships with your neighbors were the fiber of our community. Young to old, weaknesses and strengths, all prospering together. Over the years, I have had to ask myself some hard questions about the work culture of which I am a part. My gift has always been a heart to help my neighbors and provide for those in need. My core values are to treat every human of every age with dignity, while embracing the pricelessness of the family unit. Pope Francis wrote in a message published for the World of the Sick, “Wise organization and charity demand that the sick person be respected in his or her dignity, and constantly kept at the center of the therapeutic process.”
The stress to maintain a healthy middle income family is increasing in America. According to the annual Milliman Medical Index the total cost for a typical family of four insured by the most common health plans offered will top $28,166 in out-of-pocket expense and deductibles. A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust reports that employers paid $13,430 and employees paid $6,050 of the premium average and those costs will increase this year. This makes costs for a typical family of four around $47,500. Many employees do no understand that employers consider their health insurance as income, therefore, with the increase in health care comes less take home monetary raises for a family.
Personally, as a health care provider, health care changes means more hours away from my family, seeing higher numbers of patients in less time, and patients who refuse needed eye care because their insurance doesn’t allow a treatment or they are trying to cut costs for their family. This restricted ability to provide for my neighbors, AND restricted ability to provide for my family leaves me spiritually broken.
My passion for strengthening families and helping my neighbor is not dwindling! As I recommit myself to the words of Pope Francis, I refuse to fall prey to a business mentality that seeks to turn health care “into a profit-making enterprise” that ends up discarding those who need it most. There is beauty amidst the struggle, and hope amidst the challenge.
In faith I want to create a work culture that gives back to the community. I want to listen and walk every step with you in your visual struggles, and I want you to receive the care you want and need without worrying about cost. I want to make getting eye care convenient for your entire family because, I know, to take off work 6 different times to get 6 people to the doctor is a struggle for large families. I want you to receive my service when you have a concern (whether after a fall, a stroke, a ball to the head, or a growth spurt), not just the 1 time every 2 years that your insurance dictates or your discount plan allows.
Direct pay gives YOU and YOUR FAMILY freedom and balance in health care, and allows me to maintain my core values and the oath I took many years ago. I look forward to this new venture offering small businesses, families, and those with increasing deductibles in Lincoln and surrounding Lancaster county quality eye care when and how they need it!